Satellite: Superbird B2 162°E
Region: Asia
Country: Russia
- Alma Ata: satellite out of reach!
- Anadyr: azimuth = 197.4°, elevation = 15.79°, polarization = 7.31°
- Archangel: satellite out of reach!
- Arkhangelsk: satellite out of reach!
- Barnaul: satellite out of reach!
- Chita: azimuth = 124.98°, elevation = 15.73°, polarization = -30.26°
- Igarka: satellite out of reach!
- Kaliningrad: satellite out of reach!
- Kharkov: satellite out of reach!
- Krasnodar: satellite out of reach!
- Krasnoyarsk: azimuth = 107.61°, elevation = 2.85°, polarization = -32.19°
- Kuibyshev: satellite out of reach!
- Leningrad: satellite out of reach!
- Magdagachi: azimuth = 137.59°, elevation = 20.56°, polarization = -23.68°
- Moscow: satellite out of reach!
- Odessa: satellite out of reach!
- Perm: satellite out of reach!
- Petrograd: satellite out of reach!
- Petropavlovsk (Rus): satellite out of reach!
- Rostov On Don: satellite out of reach!
- Saratov: satellite out of reach!
- St. Petersburg: satellite out of reach!
- Sverdlovsk: satellite out of reach!
- Vladivostok: azimuth = 139.72°, elevation = 31.79°, polarization = -28.16°
- Volgograd: satellite out of reach!
- Vorkuta: satellite out of reach!
- Yakutsk: azimuth = 144.58°, elevation = 14.88°, polarization = -15.7°